ESC conducted an Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) studies for the Pertamina-Rosneft Tuban refinery and petrochemical complex in Tuban, East Java, Indonesia.
About the Project
The Pertamina-Rosneft JV will build the Tuban grass root refinery and petrochemical complex as part of the client’s ambition to expand its footprint in the high-margin market as a petroleum-based product developer in the Asia-Pacific region.
As part of the development process, Pertamina-Rosneft needs to obtain an environmental permit, which can be granted after obtaining approval for the AMDAL/EIA.
Our Approach
ESC was commissioned in 2016 to carry out environmental studies for the project and its supporting facilities located in Wadung Village, Mentoso, Kaliuntu, Rawasan and Remen District of Jenu, Indonesia.
As part of its permitting process to secure regulatory environmental approvals, ESC has built upon the structured and robust screening process that is integrated into the Indonesian regulatory process and assisted in the preparation of the AMDAL/EIA.
ESC undertook as well the development of ESHIA to demonstrate compliance in accordance with international standards. Screening and analysis were performed to determine whether the project may pose social and environmental risks. ESC was also involved in the desktop study, site observations, documentation review and report preparation such as Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP); Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP); Indigenous People Assessment; and Community Development Plan for the grass root refinery project which was the components included in the AMDAL and ESHIA report.
The client gained an awareness of the potential environmental and social impacts and complied with the requirements for their development activity with the assistance of our local experts and extensive knowledge of regulatory frameworks.