ESC conducted an Environmental Assessment and Redevelopment Options Study between 2014 and 2016 for future land use of plots of land located within the perimeter of the former Lorong Halus Municipal Landfill in Tampines.
ESC undertook this assessment and study for the Singapore Land Transport Authority. ESC undertook a Preliminary environmental impact assessment based on the conceptual proposals for the development of sites located within the perimeter of the former Lorong Halus Landfill. The main objective was to determine the nature and extent of environmental impacts from the construction and operation of the depot and related activities (including construction of roads, installation of utilities) that may take place at either of the Sites, determine mitigation measures for these impacts and evaluate any residual impacts after mitigation.
ESC also conducted the assessment and presented a landfill mining letter to assess the landfill Mining Environmental, Health and Safety Issues, based on the conceptual proposals for the development at the proposed Sites. Detailed studies included assessment for alternative uses.
Options study and risk assessment had been carried out for landfill mining, ‘dig & dump’, in-situ remediation and rehabilitation for the proposed development of MRT depot or public recreational uses.